Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jennette McCurdy!!! and Nathan Kress!!!

Hey people! Ever seen iCarly? If you haven't, it's about a thirteen year old girl named Carly who lives with her brother Spencer, an artist. With her best friend, Sam, and their techie friend, Freddie, they created a webshow appropriately called iCarly. Sam and Freddie have to be my two favorite characters on iCarly, because they seemingly hate each other, but deep down inside, really care. Samantha 'Sam' Puckett is played by the lovely and talented Ms. Jennette McCurdy. She is rude and obnoxious on the show, but Jennette herself is the opposite. Fredward 'Freddie' Benson is the underappreciated tech boy on iCarly. He and sam rant rave while Carly hopelessly tries to end their arguing. Freddie is played by the cool and random Mr. Nathan Kress. The reason why I can't pick a favorite is because I like how they're complete opposites, but they just click. They happen to be my favorite actors. to learn more about them, go to http://www.jennettemccurdy.com/ or www.myspace.com/nathankressofficial. I love these guys!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Feliz Cumpleanos and Feliz Navidad!

December 16 was my b-day and I forgot to post about it so I am now. On the 16, I got to skip school and spend time with my aunts, my grandma, my mom, and my two little cousins, Kash and Cruz. I recieved fifty dollars to spend. My cousins and I had great fun going to all the different stores and looking around. The following Saturday, the 20, me, my mom, my sister Jonah (her website is www.jonahlynleigh.blogspot.com), and my 11 year old cousin Ivy went to a local mall. i recieved one hundred dollars to spend there. We had a great time and made good memories that will last forever. Plus, I got a lot of stuff! Then of course, there's Christmas. I don't know about you, but my favorite holiday is Christmas. Not because of the presents though. I love it so much because it was Jesus' birthday. Happy birthday Jesus!!! Anyway, I got to spend time with both sides of my family. fortunately, everyone got along well. I recieved a bunch of presents and managed to not bring up that Santa wasn't real. My sister I think actually had fun, so that's good. Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Poem

I had to do a poetry project at school. This is it. Enjoy.

Wake Up America

We need to get out there
And preach the word of God.

We only have so many days left.
We can't slack off.

Are you sure your best friend
Will see the golden streets of Heaven?

Or will they go down under
To a fiery pit of darkness and suffering

The pain the people that didn't get saved
Must feel right now.

Jesus wants us all to be with him,
So you have to go out and teach the people with no clue.

He wants to hold us in his big, comforting arms,
But will you let him?

The end is like a thief.
You know it will come, but you don't know when.

Tick, tick! Goes the clock.
We're running out of time.

Bam! Two people just died.
Bam! Two people just died.

And Bam! Two more people just died.
Do you care?

I believe the end is near.
Do you want your friends to go through never ending pain?

I know I don't.
That's why we must be a witness, each and every one of us here.

It may sound scary.
I'm scared, too,

But I'm ready.
Are you?

How'd ya like it. Please leave a comment.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We Elf'd Ourselves

We decided to have a little fun so we Elf'd Ourselves.

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


These are some stills of Sam and Freddie's big kiss! Just click the URL!


Monday, December 15, 2008

Carol of the Bells

This is a vid of Celtic women and men singing Carol of the Bells. Isn't the violinist amazing?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Beatles Rock!

This is the Beatles' song, Please Mr. Postman.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Everything by Lifehouse

This is an amazing song! its called Everything and its by lifehouse. hope u like it. it always makes me cry.

My Best Guy Friend

My best guy friend is definitely Andrew. He plays french horn in the Jr. High band and Stage band at my school. He's very smart and quite random, but that's okay. I can tell him literally anything and he doesn't tell anyone. He's really funny and strange. We fight sometimes, but he's like a brother to me. He's a great guy.

God is Good, All the Time!!!

God is amazing!!! I love him!!! He changed my life and he loves each and every one of us, no matter what we do. He's forgiving and loving. He died for us! How awesome is that? Pretty awesome if you ask me. If you wanna love God as much as I do, then read your Bible, go to church, and pray. He really will make some changes!

Seddie is for Real!!!!!

Hey all you Seddie fans out there! Just in case you haven't heard, Seddie is finally becoming real! A new episode coming up on iCarly around the new year will prove that all of us that had hope in Seddie will pay off. The airdate of iKiss, the awaited episode, is to be announced. The plot of the episode is Freddie says that he's never kissed a girl before, which leads up to a confession from Sam. Also, as far as I've heard, there will be a kiss. So take that Creddie! :0)

My Other Best Friends (Who are Amazing!)

My other best friend is Raven. She plays percussion in Jr. High band along with Daniel (but I personally like Raven's playing better). She loves Spongebob, and she even has an awesome Spongebob shirt. Her sister Cortney is a bit crazy. I can depend on her to keep my secrets. I think we make good friends because we kind of balance each other out. Raven's more on the violent side and I'm more on the calm, cool, and collected side (unless you put caffeine in my system). Overall, Raven's a good person.

Another one of my best friends is Kayla. She plays clarinet and oboe in the Jr. High band (I have many musical friends). She is also in Lab Choir along with me. Times in the chorus room get a bit crazy, and the only one who can calm me down is Kayla. We love to make fun of the songs we have to sing. For instance, we have to sing Jolly Old St. Nicholas when we go caroling. There's a guy in Lab Choir named Nick, so we tease him and ask him if he's jolly all the time. He doesn't like it much though. Kayla and I have a great time together and we're just like family.

Those are just a few of my many friends.

My Best Friend

My best friend is Britany Hale. She's nice, pretty, and a great friend. We tell each other everything. There's nothing we wouldn't do for each other. She plays the clarinet very well and performs in the Jr. High marching band. Also, she's a great softball player. She and I write songs together, mostly mushy songs for her, more spiritual songs for me. Plus, she just got her braces off! Lucky her! (BTW: I have braces.) Anyway, she's the best and I love her like a sister. She's a great person overall.