Hey people! Ever seen iCarly? If you haven't, it's about a thirteen year old girl named Carly who lives with her brother Spencer, an artist. With her best friend, Sam, and their techie friend, Freddie, they created a webshow appropriately called iCarly. Sam and Freddie have to be my two favorite characters on iCarly, because they seemingly hate each other, but deep down inside, really care. Samantha 'Sam' Puckett is played by the lovely and talented Ms. Jennette McCurdy. She is rude and obnoxious on the show, but Jennette herself is the opposite. Fredward 'Freddie' Benson is the underappreciated tech boy on iCarly. He and sam rant rave while Carly hopelessly tries to end their arguing. Freddie is played by the cool and random Mr. Nathan Kress. The reason why I can't pick a favorite is because I like how they're complete opposites, but they just click. They happen to be my favorite actors. to learn more about them, go to http://www.jennettemccurdy.com/ or www.myspace.com/nathankressofficial. I love these guys!