Friday, May 8, 2009

iDate A Bad Boy is coming tomorrow!!!!!!!!

So, you iCarly fans have probably heard about the upcoming episode, iDate A Bad Boy. Carly starts to date a bad boy, but he has a terrible, horrifying secret, which, sadly, no one knows. Here's what director Dan Schneider had to say about it:

Tomorrow night Saturday, May 9th - there will be a brand new iCarly one-hour special called iDate A Bad Boy.

People often ask me what my favorite episode of iCarly is, and I'm never sure because I have several favorites.

Well, iDate A Bad Boy is absolutely one of my favorite episodes of iCarly ever.

I knew this episode was going to be special when we were filming it. You could "feel" it on the set. Miranda certainly had a GREAT time, because she got to kiss actor Drew Roy like a billion times! I've never seen Miranda so psyched to be on set. ;)

I loved iCarly in season 1, and I think season 2 has gotten even better... and now, I feel that iDate A Bad Boy takes iCarly to new heights.

I recently showed a rough cut of the episode to a high-level agent who said, "This plays like one of the best episodes of Friends," which I took as quite a compliment to our actors.

I feel that iDate A Bad Boy is going to be among the most popular episodes of iCarly in the history of the series.

So please help me spread the word! TOMORROW!!! - Saturday - May 9th - 8PM (7PM Central).

Let's make sure everyone watches!!!

--iDan :)
(Creator & Executive Producer of iCarly)

P.S. If you have friends who like iCarly but don't follow my Twitter yet, please tell them they need to follow me! @DanWarp

If you're an avid iCarly watcher like me, then this is a must-see episode. Do it, just do it!

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