Monday, December 21, 2009

Creddie Kiss?!?! No!!!!!!

Recently, I have become a fan of Tiger Beat Magazine ( When I bought my first issue, I noticed something in dead center of the mag in bold letters: "Creddie Kiss Episode". Apparently, "Freddie gets hurt", so when Carly is comforting him, she finds out her true feelings for him. Now, for you Seddie shippers, this is extremely devastating. I am now actually extremely mad at the script itself, not Dan. But yes. There will be a Creddie. For one, I guess it's only fair to Creddie shippers since Seddie's already had their first kiss. For two, as I've said before, Creddie has to happen before Seddie can. Freddie needs a chance like Creddie to realize who he really cares for. I'm sure we'll all live through it. We can do this. Below, there is an almost Creddie kiss picture.

Now, here's a more uplifting photo!

It's old, but still adorable!!!

This is Emeri, signing off.

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